Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Linsey Dawn Mckenise Does The Doctor

Support for teachers threatened sanctions

Marseille, Tuesday, July 7

Monday, June 8, 2009

I Wanna Do Hand Design

Letter of support from Hubert Montagner school teachers unfairly punished

Dear School Teachers,

It is unacceptable that you are punished by the Minister and the hierarchy of Education so that by your decision intelligent and responsible, you do not want to be complicit in the new form of abuse made by the support time after class, says aid custom, to be dedicated necessarily called fundamental to learning (French, arithmetic, mathematics.)

better than anyone you know in fact that at the end of school time, children in trouble are exhausted, trapped in their fears, failures, obstacles inhibitions and, in their anxiety, their fears ... especially when they are projected through the return home when their family is suffering. Many are already in early afternoon or even for the most fragile, vulnerable and disadvantaged, at the end of the morning as shown by the observation of children attending ZEP schools. Only children who live daily in the emotional security, without gaps and without sleep behavior "disrupted" and / or "disruptive" can be sufficiently vigilant, attentive, responsive and available during the afternoon to capture and process messages from the master, and thus realize their full potential as students. And yet, not every day according to fluctuations in their balance physiological, emotional, emotional, social and cognitive. They all want to change the "planet" to 16.30. The vast majority of ... teachers as well.

Your refusal to shut up after school special needs students in formal learning situations that will aggravate their problems, is a taking responsibility and civic humanist who honors you. It shows the way for children in trouble are not even exhausted, unmotivated ... and finally, over the days, intellectually and psychologically destroyed by the longest day of the world (six hours of time constraints).

"The addition to daily personal assistance to children with learning difficulties further increases the duration of the school day, the longest in the world ... especially for those who are struggling to mobilize their intellectual resources to understand and learn, and also for the teachers themselves. How can we believe that support after the class, albeit customized, can be useful or effective for students including fatigue, lack of vigilance and attention, and no reasons are obvious to 16.00, often early in the afternoon or even late-morning (this is obvious in the schools PTA) when they are "installed" failure in school?

damage in addition to the damage generated by the increased pressure and relationship with the intellectual weight increased daily frequency and duration learning basic expressed, in conjunction arbitrarily reduced by one week to four days (it must be done in four days what was done in four and a half days) and new programs fools. There is more time decompression and respiration during the day while it is essential for all children, especially those in difficulty, can recover at least some of their psychological and mental fatigue, and restore their capacity or less attention, mental concentration and information processing. There is enough time for children to release their emotions, their feelings, capacities and intelligences hidden and the richness of their imagination, yet obvious when engaging in visual arts, choral singing, storytelling, exploring the nature, characteristics of plant and animal life, the compelling story of our ancestors and world, living in different human cultures ... Children also learn French well, or better, during this time of diversification and discovery in formal learning situations and explicit language. Obviously, the teachers know. Professors of the schools are right to propose one or more of these fields of discovery and pleasure during the half-hour of personalized help, while their students are "more intellectually than saturated."

Scandinavians are horrified.

By imposing without consulting the four-day week, increasing the weight delusional "fundamentals" and support for after school child in difficulty the Minister and the hierarchy of Education dehumanize the school, increase inequality and social injustice by leading a growing number of children to encyst in the "disenchantment" for the school and its rejection, and thus more or less gradually into the social marginality. This "system" and absurd "concentration camp" stigmatizes families who combine personal difficulties, moral, familial, social and cultural. It is a disgrace to our country ... In principle, one of the cradles of Human Rights. The foreigners I meet do not understand what "system". It would not have acted differently if we wanted to perpetuate a school with several gears in which the most fragile, vulnerable and needy can not even not pass the first speed, and engage with confidence in the desire to understand and learn because they can trigger the higher speeds that allow access to different levels of knowledge and skills.

No country in the world has established a school day as unfavorable for children in difficulty within a week who is not a Two school days (Monday and Tuesday) one day (out of school Wednesday: can we still justify it through catechesis, scheduled for Thursday, there are thirty years?), two school days (Thursday and Friday), and two days of weekend. In this framework, everyone knows that Monday is a very disturbed and disturbing (many children are sleepy, at least not careful and / or stirred). What an illusion and / or what lack of honesty to think that extra half hour of personalized help after class, especially on Monday, to facilitate mastery of French, numeracy and mathematics learning situation formal. All teachers know it's a mission impossible.

The court must of History will record that the current Minister of Education, his advisers and ideologues disorderly, and his vassal hierarchy established a system of abuse, stigma, guilt and exclusion implied that dishonors our country and our nation.

There has never been more Inspectors removed Academy in 2008-2009, while their "'fault' was to listen and try to understand the decision and confusion for teachers, especially those that are called "désobéisseurs. The information "back ground" all show that there has never been so exhausted and disoriented children, teachers and also exhausted, stressed, demoralized and feel guilty by the continuing failure of the most vulnerable pupils, vulnerable and destitute. The letters they send to their councilors, the mayor often or are often poignant and pathetic. The door is wide open for increased use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, psychotropic ... children, their parents worried or desperate and their masters ... who lose confidence in their skills. Is it clear that the French are already the largest consumers of these molecules!

By their refusal, "désobéisseurs" safeguard the dignity of the school. Thank you.

This email can be distributed without restraint.

With all my solidarity

Hubert Montagner

Professor in retirement

Former Director of Research at INSERM

Former Director of the Research Unit of INSERM handicapped children

Monday, June 1, 2009

Community Service Reference Letters

Penalties: react!

Erwan Redon désobéisseur of Marseille risk revocation.
There is a disciplinary CAPD July 7 in Marseille.

A site for the support of Erwan was opened:


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Grayson 7200ercs-1 Gas Valve

The first pictures of the filing of 158 complaints

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cause Of Sudden Coughing Fits

Feeling better by saying

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Women Bodily Fluids And Black Lights

Deposit collective complaints from parents Speech by Alain

As part of the fight against high base, a collective deposit of complaints from parents (complaint against X) today was Wednesday, May 27

158 complaints filed in the Herault, TGI 134 complaints from Montpellier and Beziers 24 to TGI.

A new collective filing of complaints will be held June 24 ... Talk about it!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nylon Running Or Jogging -shoe -sneaker

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

List Of All Strippers

Refalo the Plateau Glières May 17

Sunday, May 17, the plateau Glières Savoy, before 4000 people gathered at the invitation of the Citizens Association of Resistance Yesterday and Today, several figures of the Resistance, including Raymond Aubrac Stephane Hessel and Walter Bassan, and Dr. Michael Guyader, Alain Refalo were expressed to testify to the common values that drive them in fighting for justice, solidarity and human dignity.

This gathering citizen / picnic entitled "Words of resistance" is held annually to deny recovery politician fighting and values of the Resistance by the Head of State and to celebrate the values of brotherhood and solidarity program of the National Council of Resistance (CNR).

The full involvement of Alain Refalo here:

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Wrestler Tikier.com

I am a teacher and I disobey

Book launch Bastien Cazals to Native editions on Thursday 21 May:


How Can You Damage Your Starter

Press CIPF


The CIPF Paris presents "Sounds and Fury "with Valerie Pécresse and Xavier Darcos. It
the story of a man and a woman, with a mission by the great chief of the tribe, decided by various actions to break the school and university. Nothing stops them, nor the cries of former players MEN, Jacques Lang and François Bayrou, nor protests from parents, students and teachers. Their decision is irreversible, the goal is to deliver quickly, the Preschool at the University, the public education service to the private sphere.

But this is not a film is the sad reality.

reforms pass. The school, from kindergarten to university, and IUFM pass away. Since then, over a year, the mobilizations succeed in various forms, without providing satisfaction, apart from some partial reversals. They call others of greater magnitude , in order to impose the removal of these reforms-cons. Above all, they require highlighted another plan for the future of public schools, another political project for Education, for the future of our children.

Now that we, the school community, together we find to defeat the political establishment. The school is not a business, knowledge is not a commodity . This liberal policy results in immediate and disadvantageous for our children: job cuts, elimination of teaching hours, disappearance of assistance networks, challenged the tongue, crowded curricula and r ythmes school misfits, deletion school mapping, development of competition institutions, undermining the teaching professional with the training of teachers and constant threats. The school is not a burden to be reduced, it is a investment for the future. All children are educable without discrimination or competition and are entitled to a quality school in every neighborhood.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Churches Anniversary Programs

Happening Paris city council Montpellier

Madam Mayor what we receive Thursday, May 28 at 17:30.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Maybelline Mascara In Bulk


CE1 assessments are freely available (teacher and student booklets) on:


They are analyzed and discussed here: for
the French
for math

They will be passed on May 25 in class.

Below my rejection letter, hoping that other parents are mobilizing to turn against the inevitable failure of our children.

the Minister of National Education,

For months that parents and teachers were organized into collectives, open and non-violent, and try to make their voices heard regarding the reforms in Education.

In spring 2008 already, we expressed our fears about the introduction of new programs deemed unsuitable by the majority of teachers at a national consultation which you have ignored.

In January 2009, national assessments have crystallized CM2 many concerns about the dangerous path that our education system borrowed. Once again, you did not listen. The case begins to make some noise, threats have been wielded in the schools, the sanctions are dropped. Some radicals, you said, and the media to relay.

The school is our audience at all and that is why we defend it without counting. It is the good of our children, but where is the children's interest in all these reforms?

Where is the interest of my son, Simon, to pass these national assessments?

Where is the interest of Simon, a student applied, to make assessments on the skills he has not worked or has not yet assimilated?

Where is the interest of Simon, a good student, to make assessments of which the correction noted not only with O or 1?

Where is the interest of Simon, a student seven years to pass national assessments timed and results will be made public?

Where is the interest of Simon, to make assessments with results positioning in a slice rather strong when her boyfriend will be fragile and skills in a department performing the academy when his cousin will not be?

Where is the interest of Simon, sometimes anguished student, to make assessments, whose results will be frozen in a booklet that will follow him throughout his schooling?

Where is the interest of Simon, inquisitive student, to make assessments for a week when the new programs already leave him little time to study something other than French and mathematics?

Verily I say unto you, Sir Simon has no interest in these reviews, so it does not happen.

unmarked During this week, Simon will read, count, observe, supposing, doubting. It will also play, get bored, run, fall. But this learning, it will not make them in the classroom and believe that I regret. I have too high an opinion of the school and his teachers to let them into a mechanical caricature elitist and profitable.

Deny today to submit my child to a pressure and a failure as some useless part of the fight that I lead, with thousands of other citizens of coordination School in danger, to defend a public school where all students find their place at their own pace, with teachers trained and respected.

reforms are necessary but they should only be done in consultation with all stakeholders and in the sole interest of the child. I sincerely hope that a real dialogue moves, and I beg you to accept, Excellency, my best citizens.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3rd Birthday Wording Ideas

a lil SLAM for the fight

"Education" Slam by Grand Corps Malade
the clip is here:


What Happened With Jeff Hardy?


This letter is to inform teachers, principals and principals, the fact that many complaints are being filed in France against any Base students and remind them of their responsibility in the collection of data stored in Base students (BE1D) and the National Student IDs (BNIE).

We remind you briefly that pupils Base (BE1D), the high national id (INE) and the National Student IDs (BNIE) are more than simple tools student management. They can trace the educational pathways can be exploited by other jurisdictions covered under the shared secret, open the door to many future interconnections, and put in place a mass registration and tracking of citizens from the age of three years without assessing the consequences, without debate, in a context of increasingly secure the files and the connections between files are multiplying at an alarming rate, and are put in place under threat and sanctions.

Teachers, principals and school

The CNRBE (National Collective Resistance Students at Basic) wishes to inform you that it has initiated with the SAF (Syndicat des Avocats de France) the implementation of a criminal complaint filed against X by parents, which lists various violations of the laws and conventions the protection of privacy, human rights and child in the context of the implementation of Basic students. Many complaints have been filed in several cities in France. The floors of Marseille Millau have opened a preliminary inquiry entrusted to the police or gendarmerie. It is likely that an investigation be opened in every town complaints have been filed.

This complaint is not with the principals of schools. We can also read:
"In the course of your investigation, you can usefully ask the Ministers of Education, the chief education of the spring, the academy inspectors and inspectors of the spring of Education officials illegally collecting data in question over the years and prosecute those responsible within the rules of prescription.
It goes without saying that principals can not be criminally responsible for those actions which they participated under duress from their hierarchy and under the threat of sanctions that have sometimes been taken for the bravest of them.
They are protected from criminal prosecution under Articles 122-2 and 122-4 of the Penal Code. "

However, it is our duty to remind you that entering data in Base students, many principals of schools participating in an illegal collection of personal data:

1) collection Data was and is still done often in the absence of information given to children, parents and relatives, in breach of Article 6 of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms which states:
"treatment does may apply only to personal data that meet the following conditions: 1 °
Data are collected and processed fairly and lawfully; "

2) Section 32 of the Act provides:
" I. - The person from whom are collected the personal data concerning him shall be informed, unless it has been in advance by the controller or his representative:
1 ° the identity of the controller and, where appropriate, that of his representative;
2 ° the objective pursued by the treatment to which the data are intended ;
3 of the mandatory or optional responses;
4 ° consequences, in respect of a failure to reply;
5 ° recipients or categories of recipients; 6 °
rights it maintains the provisions of Section 2 of this chapter;
When such data are collected through questionnaires, they shall state the requirements set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6. "

The Ministry of Education has not provided information for children, parents and relatives as provided in this article.

3) The personal data, to be stored for 35 years, were collected in the Base Students and Pupils Base National Identifiers (BNIE) from fact sheets of common back which did not mention the treatment computer, then from fact sheets that did not mention nor the purposes of treatment, either mandatory or optional answers, nor the recipients (mayor, district inspector and inspector of schools) or access rights to the NEI and AI.

4) The fact sheets provided by the NDE to be completed by the parents for the 2008/2009 school year include numerous irregularities:
- They contain no mention of treatment BNIE.
- They do not appear to share data with the district inspector and Inspector of Schools and specify the same frontline " useful information to management principal" .
- They do not mention all the purposes of treatment, including research of children by example, however, contained in the declaration to the CNIL of December 24, 2004 under the decree of October 20, 2008.
- They limit the principal the opportunity to assert the right of access, not to mention the possibility of access to the NEI of the district or to the IA, while Article 8 Order of the mentions.
- No information provided for relatives of children whose personal data may be processed into high base, "people to call in an emergency and / or authorized to take the child to exit " .

5) In this period of enrollment for the 2009 academic year, the fact sheets are distributed to parents and some do not always mention the purposes of treatment, or the mandatory or optional answers, nor recipients of data or access rights to the NEI and AI. Are also distributed old records that do not mention the computer processing and that can not be used to educate high base.

The National Collective Resistance Base Students wished you connect all these elements so you can measure how the government get involved in this illegal collection of personal data.

the eyes of various articles of the law above, we offer arguments put forward for refusing to participate in an illegal collection of personal data, even if it contradicts directed by your superiors.

You can also, if you are principals or school, join the 190 principals of schools that signed the appeal to civic resistance against the indexing of children.

Sincerely, The Collective
National Resistance Base Students, May 7, 2009.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Head Feels Like A Bruise

a long documentary on the sheet is disobedience

Saturday, May 9 edition of 12/13 France 3 Regions documentary on Mr. Beaumel disobedience

http://jt.france3.fr/regions/popup.php?id=c34b_1214part1&video_number = 0

Where To Buy Bottomless Tostada Chips

our children, do not we do not care!

Officially, the system is a student-base management tool that would enable better communication between jurisdictions. In fact, this system poses many problems, including the nature of the information on file, access to these files, security ...
One thing is certain: any abandonment of a parcel of freedom is final. Data protection is like the environment and biodiversity: what is gradually eroded does not revert. Let us

Base-complaint against students
Despite the opposition and the mobilization of many principals, parents and citizens against the base students, despite blocking software training directors BE, the many positions taken by elected The administration continues to try to impose this pointing of children, decided without any consultation, either with parents or with teachers. School principals are punished recalcitrant and others, harassed, threatened, bow to pressure and inform Base-students often against the advice of some or all of the parents concerned. Ignored and despised in our rights and claims, it is time we start a lawsuit. Advised and supported by lawyers and in particular by the Syndicat des Avocats de France, we have listed the various abuses of laws and conventions on the protection of privacy, human rights and child. The criminal complaint filed against X by parents
"simultaneously" throughout France finally makes hear our voice!

more information about: http://chrbe.free.fr/

Friday, May 8, 2009

Did Tia Mowry Relax Her Hair

Midi Libre

Edition Friday, May 8, 2009 the county

St Christol Parents complain cons Base students

The Order of the collective pool of parents teachers Lunel, a meeting was held Tuesday night at the town hall of Saint- Christol. It was to inform teachers and parents on the procedure for filing a collective complaint against X for the implementation of the Base Students file. Isabelle Huchard, director of the local school, speaking as a citizen and parent, student, recalled the opposition of many parents and teachers in this systematic filing systems and centralized manner by the Children Education .
Beyond Basin Lunel, the protest movement is now spreading throughout France. In the Herault, the collective strength Base students called parents to sign a model complaint and file it with the parent as referent close. For the impact of these complaints is the most important, a collective deposit with high courts of Beziers and Montpellier will be held simultaneously Wednesday, May 27
At the national level, the collective strength based students (CNRBE), advised and supported by lawyers and in particular by the union of lawyers, listed the various abuses of French and international laws regarding the protection of privacy , to human rights and child. The criminal complaint against X simultaneously filed by parents across France will allow the voices of parents and teachers.

Parents Teachers Collective Basin Lunel: http://collectifparentssg.blogspot.com
Collective Herault resistance based students: http://chrbe.free.fr
Collectif National Resistance-based students: http://retraitbaseeleves.wordpress.com

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Denise Milaniimplants


"They want to sink the school
Let's put it to afloat! "

For many months, collectives of employees in education and parents, engaged in more than fifty departments, struggling against the reforms and Darcos Pécresse and a public education service quality for all.
Pretending not count as three thousand teachers in resistance, which he likens to "a radical and brutal core," the Government deny the magnitude and specificity of the protest movement (including its duration and its membership beyond the concerns corporatist).
After the national days of action on Tuesday 10 March and Thursday, April 2nd, the National Coordination Endangered School (held in 4 AG on April 18 at National Chenôve ) calls for a new day mobilization Sunday, May 17 to allow everyone to show his support for public education service.
Throughout France, will be organized rallies and picnics to nearby water bodies, to show the government that we do not enunciate nearly a service of quality education for all and that we will continue WARENESS to the public about the seriousness of attacks against schools from kindergarten to university, through reforms and Darcos Pécresse.

With their reforms, and Darcos Pécresse want to sink school, let us put it afloat!

For more information: http://ecoleendanger.17mai.over-blog.com

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Weekly Average Yield On United States Treasury

each mode of action of Hubert Montagner

  • legal approach with the complaint against students
  • Base
For more info You can log onto the new website
Collective Herault Resistance to high base
http://chrbe.free.fr .
and go to St-Christol about 18:30 on Wednesday at City Hall for a meeting explanatory answer all your questions.

  • tidal wave electronics for operation snail

  • new petition to save public education kindergarten to university

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

At What Temperature Do Pipes Burst


May 5, 2009
Dear Madam,
thank you very much for your email of May 2, 2009.
It is unacceptable that you are punished by the Minister and the hierarchy of Education so that by your decision intelligent and responsible, you do not want you to be complicit in the new form of abuse made by time support mandatory after school. It is a humanistic sense of responsibility and civic honors you. It shows the way for children in trouble are not even exhausted, unmotivated ... and finally psychologically and mentally destroyed by the longest day of the world (six hours forced all age groups from primary school). In fact, you know better than the Minister and the Inspector of Schools that the additional damage is an after school tutoring for children in difficulty, especially those that are locked up under the label of underachievement . They add to the damage generated by the increased pressure intellectual and relational with the daily weight increased the frequency and duration of learning called fundamental, as part of a week combined arbitrarily reduced to four days (it must be done in four days what was done in four and a half days) and new programs fools. There is more time breathing during the day while it is essential for all children, especially those in difficulty, can recover their psychological and intellectual fatigue, and restore or less of their capacity attention, mental concentration and information processing. There is not enough time for children to release their emotions, their sensitivities hidden abilities and intelligences, and their imagination as they engage in the visual arts, choral singing, storytelling, exploring the nature, characteristics of plant and animal life, the compelling story of our ancestors and the world, living in different human cultures ... Children also learn French well, or better, during this time of diversification and discovery in formal learning situations and explicit language. Obviously, the teachers know.
If we take the preparatory course as an example, no child of six to seven years can not accept to everyday situations intellectual and relational stress for two hours thirty minutes to learn French (10 hours per week) and one hour fifteen for the calculation and mathematics (5 hours per week). Scandinavians are horrified.
At 16 hours, children in trouble are exhausted, trapped in their fears and inhibitions blockages in their anxiety, their fears ... especially when they are projected through the return home when their family is suffering. They are already in early afternoon or even for the most fragile, vulnerable and poor, from the end of the morning as shown by the observation of children attending ZEP schools. Only children who live daily in the emotional security, without gaps and without sleep behavior "disrupted" and / or "disruptive" can be sufficiently vigilant, attentive, responsive and available during the afternoon to capture and process messages from the master, and to achieve as students. And yet, not every day according to fluctuations in their balance physiological, emotional, emotional, social and cognitive.
By imposing without consulting the week four days, the weight increase delusional "fundamentals" and the support provided after school for children in difficulty, the Minister and the hierarchy of Education dehumanize the school, increase inequalities and social injustices, while driving an increasing number of children encysting in the "disenchantment" for the school and its rejection, and thus more or less gradually into the social marginality. This "system" and absurd "concentration camp" stigmatizes families who combine personal difficulties, moral, familial, social and cultural. It is a disgrace to our country ... In principle, one of the cradles of Human Rights. The foreigners I meet do not understand what "system". It would not have acted differently if we had wanted perpetuate a school with several speeds in which the most fragile, vulnerable and needy can not even pass the first speed, and engage with confidence in the desire to understand and learn because they can trigger the higher speeds that allow access to different levels of knowledge and skills.
The court must of History retain the current Minister of Education, his advisers and ideologues disorderly, and his vassal hierarchy established a system of abuse, stigma, guilt and exclusion implied that dishonors our country and our nation.
There has never been more Inspectors of Schools in 2008-2009 removed when their "mistake" was to hear and try to understand the decision and the dismay of teachers. The information "back ground" all show that there has never been more exhausted children and disoriented, and also teachers exhausted, stressed, demoralized and feel guilty by the continuing failure of the most vulnerable pupils, vulnerable and disadvantaged. The letters they send to their councilors, the mayor often or are often poignant and pathetic. The door is wide open for increased use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, psychotropic ... children, their parents worried or desperate and their masters ... who lose confidence in their skills. The French are already the largest consumers of these molecules!
By your refusal, you save the dignity of the school. Thank you.
I am ready to defend in every place and in front of anyone, including the courts if legal action would be decided.
You can run without restraint or any part of this email.

Hubert Montagner

other items Hubert Montagner, psychophysiology, a retired University Professor, Former Director of Research at INSERM

about school timetables

about K (reaction to the report Bentolila)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Purple Spot Inner Thigh Red Dots

Happening City Council Montpellier

A dozen members of parent-teacher group of Hérault met today, Monday, May 4, to make visible our fight against the reforms Darcos from our elected officials.
While the meeting took stock of the agenda, a banner "School in danger" has been deployed and yellow vests were discovered. After
astonished eyes, the chief of staff of the mayor came to make sure that an appointment would be given us soon and that the future of public schools would be put to the agenda of the next council.
The Mayor then took the floor to make sure we support.
We have presented the motion below and want a clear position on their part, and acts after these (nice) words.

Motion addressed to elected Montpellier
Motion collectives "parents / teachers angry."

Teachers, parents, members of RASED,

policy dismantling of Education under the RGPP (General Review of Public Policies)
striking mass teaching jobs (13500 in September 2009), teachers' specialized RASED (1500 )
management programmed replacement by a private agency,
the establishment of minimum service host
the administrative consolidation of several schools (PEPS),
removing hum. ..
threats on kindergarten with the establishment of kindergartens awakening for 2 / 3 years

we are witnessing the biggest case of the education system, ever since known as J. Ferry made the public school, compulsory, free and secular
that despise the priority issues of national education is a serious social and economic mistake, especially in times of crisis
that teachers and parents of Students are determined to obtain the means necessary to ensure that students receive quality education both in elementary kindergarten
that school is not a commodity

policy failure, regression and breaks the school conducted by the government to dismantle the public education service
the unacceptable to the Minister of Education vis-à-vis the teachers of kindergarten
vision of the school accounting

YOU ask As a representative:

undertaken with national education authorities all possible steps to:

to support teachers and parents of students in their actions and s' oppose the closure of positions planned for autumn 2009
to block these projects to dismantle the public school, free and secular
to join the resolution of the AMF (Association of Mayors France) taken at its 91th congress, including Part III 1) on public school
to act as part of your positions in all instances where you sit (Sivom, Sivu, Commonwealth of Commons ...) to defend the Public School.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Former Lip Piercing Pain On Inside

"Success for the Night School "

read in the Midi Libre, dated Thursday, April 30:

http://www.midilibre.com/articles/2009/04/30/20090430-LUNEL-Franc-succes- for-Night-of-ecoles.php5

listed in the press review blog Save National Public School, Saussines, Lyon, Pau, Nantes, same fight!


and on the homepage of the blog the night of Schools


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Costco Bakery Cake Order Form

singing it gets better

Saturday, April 25
to defend our school

Friday, January 23, 2009

Im Not Cocky Im Quotes


In the heart of Saint-Florent in Strasbourg Cronenbourg, this great house of the 30's is open all year.
Located 3 km from the city center of Strasbourg, the house is 800m from the tram station Rotunda . This station is the first stop-tram from the station.

Santa Clause's Real Email

C hambre attic with a double bed, overlooking a vast area.
wardrobe with safe

Deleting Call Log From At&t U Verse

the living room

Large living room with sofa bed (sleeps 140)
TV. Kettle with tea, coffee and tea available
room with sink, shower and toilet